Wednesday, 2 April 2008


I finish work on 8th April (next Tuesday), so you'd think I have very little to do now...which has been the case for a large part of the past month or so. But no, I am actually getting work to do. Shocker.

I work in Audit, in the Consumer Markets department. But I feel much more interested in Transaction Services (mergers, acquistions, demergers, IPOs etc). A friend there asked me to work with him for the rest of the week. Should be a good opportunity and be quite interesting, even if it is right at the end of my placement. On the down side I may not be able to say bye to some of my workmates in my dept, but hopefully I'll work something out.

Feels strange to be saying bye. There's something quite special about being around so many people of different ages, experiences, likes and dislikes...

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