Friday, 20 June 2008

Poo Pub

The fancy dress party in Lake Mahinapua was fantastic! Most people were pretty unsure about what they were going as until there was a sudden burst of inspiration when we went shopping.

I did end up going as a pimp after all lol. It wasn't the most convincing pimp admittedly: I didn't have a hat! But I did have quite a cool purple "cloak" and a shiny pimp stick, as well as tacky bling! Some other highlights: the ninja turtles (adam, charlie and dhiren...who btw went to my school and is on the same kiwi bus as me!), iron man, gary glitter, osama bin laden, the flasher, the crack whore, the chavs, the dominatrix :S lol..flasher and iron man came first and second respectively (both of whom skinny dipped in the lake at midnight...mental).

Today I'm in Franz Joseph. I've booked a full day (8 hour) glacier hike for tomorrow. Slightly worried about the knees but I hate being restricted by them so I'm just going to do it and hope for the best lol. If something happens I have to be rescued by a helicopter (which the organisers made clear isn't covered by insurance!). Also booked Milford Sound for Queenstown, which will happen some time next week.

I may get a chance to update tomorrow, but if not it'll be from Wanaka the day after. Till then, wish me luck as I attempt to climb the world's fastest moving glacier!

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